Friday, August 20, 2010

Weber County Fair!!

Kamden the cat!

Kalli also wanted to be a cat...with fangs! She originally wanted the big black spider, a skull or a shark. would think she would like a flower or butterfly. Nope, the scarier the better.

THE amazing sand castle!

Kalli and Kamden with their cousins and the farm animals.

Going fishing.....Kalli won a elephant and Kamden won a shark. Kalli traded with Kamden so SHE could have the shark. I think she watched to much SHARK WEEK!

Eating ice cream cones with grandma.

..........after a long day at the fair.


Kevin, Amanda & Braxton said...

Cute Pictures I love the ones of the kids with there faces painted! I love that kalli likes the scary stuff her and braxton would have so much fun together!

kstreb said...

Too cute!!!! Kalli and Kamden are getting so BIG!!!

courtney said...

Ha ha too funny. Kalli and her weird obsession with boy stuff. When I babysat one time all she wanted to play was aliens, but I told her that you wanted her to play princess'. So she says ok... We can be princess' and the aliens come and attack us and we have to fight them off! ha ha she is so funny.