Here are some pictures from my 4-D ultrasound. He's 25 weeks in these pictures and weighs 1 lb and 13 oz. He has "chubby cheeks" and kissable lips. He's my cute little boy and I can't wait to meet him!
I think that is so amazing! I've never had a 4-D with my kids but maybe one of the next ones. He looks so handsome! I can't wait to meet him in a couple months! :)
Those 4-D Ultrsounds are great. I used to see them all the time. My second daughter is expecting. We had an ultrasound at her Drs, but they didnt get very many good pics. They did determine that it was a girl. I have had a hard time finding somewhere that does the 4-D ultrasounds. We live in Cedar City. You said this was in St. George. Unable to find on Web. Would really like it if you could help. Thanks Nancy
Blake and I have been married for 10 years. We have three adorable children. I've been busy being a full time mom and working at Mckay Dee Hospital as a Registered Nurse. Blake is working with Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc. as a Pharmaceutical Rep.
He looks soooo cute!! Isn't modern technology just the best! How fun to have one of each :)
So cute. These ultrasounds are amazing! Thanks for the sneak peek.
WOW! I wish I had done that, it's so cool!
Crystal that is really cute! they got some good one of him! I am really excited for you that is awesome!
oh how cute!!! those are totally some kissable lips!
He is darling! It makes me so excited to see out new little bunddles of joy! :)
I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet him. Lets get together soon!
I think that is so amazing! I've never had a 4-D with my kids but maybe one of the next ones. He looks so handsome! I can't wait to meet him in a couple months! :)
Those 4-D Ultrsounds are great. I used to see them all the time. My second daughter is expecting. We had an ultrasound at her Drs, but they didnt get very many good pics. They did determine that it was a girl. I have had a hard time finding somewhere that does the 4-D ultrasounds. We live in Cedar City. You said this was in St. George. Unable to find on Web. Would really like it if you could help.
Thanks Nancy
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