Saturday, January 29, 2011

3-D Ultrasound

Here are some pics from my target ultrasound at 23 weeks. He currently weighs 1lb 4oz.


Taylors said...

Thats so exciting that your pregnant!!! Congratulations!!! I'm sure you are a super cute pregnant mom!

Sheena said...

Yay HE not she looks darling. That is the coolest ultrasound. I never got one. Maybe on the next! We should do waffles this weekend again! Hope your enjoying your time off :)

Jessica said...

Those are great pictures! So cute!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting! I hope everything is going well for you!!

Trinity said...

I can't wait to get my targeted. I have to wait until I am 25 weeks because our office was so busy. So exciting. When are you due? What are you going to name the little guy?

Zac and Shelece said...

He looks so cute!! I can't wait to see him soon : )

Kevin, Amanda & Braxton said...

Your got some pretty good ones of his little face!! Congrats again!

KW said...

Way cute pictures. I think he looks like Kamden???

Matt, Lynette and Haley said...

Oh what a cute little guy! I am so excited for you guys. You and Blake make good babies.

Matt, Lynette and Haley said...

Awe what a cute little guy. I am so excited for you guys. You and blake make good babies!!