Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kalli's Favorite Shoes!

Kalli loves to get in our closet and wear our shoes. She thinks it's so funny to wear big shoes around the house.

Kalli also loves to wear her crocs! They're her favorite shoes. We bought them for her when we went camping. She has to wear them almost everyday and gets mad when we take them off. Silly girl!


peterson family said...

I love those shoes. Kalli looks so cute in them. Crocs make good camping shoes. Luv ya!

Pitcherpost said...

Blake, how's it going? Darwin gave me your blog site so I thought I'd check it out. Looks like everything is peachy. We just started a scrappy blog at We are going to be out there for a few weeks over Christmas, maybe we'll see you then. Zach

Kevin, Amanda & Braxton said...

Hey kalli is getting big I cant believe how fast they grow! That is fun

courtney said...

crocs? who came up with a name for a shoe called a croc? that's ridiculous